Sunday, September 25, 2011


Welcome to BLOGGING TO THE MACKS, a hip new blog where all misfit ideas go! Here, each week, I will reveal a new concept or character that previously had no place. If something appears on Blogging to the Macks, it is most certainly an idea that I like very much, but never found a home for it. I suppose you could think of Blogging to the Macks as an idea dump, but that would be unwise, as I don't think a dump should come to mind when you think of BTTM. Instead, think of it as a magical, wonderful, imaginative dump where anything can happen and where dreams can come true. It is a demonstrative, daring, dynamic, dazzling dump.

So step on up!

The world is our oyster!

Anything is possible!

The sky is the limit!

And we'll reach it together!
* * *
First, I'll introduce you to Bob White, a lonely, batty old sailor who falls in love with a whale. Yes, really. He first crossed paths with the, as he called it, "enchanting blue being" whilst sailing for pleasure in the Atlantic. Once he spotted it roaming in the distance, it was love at first sight.

For the longest time, that whale was all he could think about. It occupied his dreams and his waking dreams, his work and his play. He even fashioned a wooden sculpture of it from some spare lumber he had lying around. It was his prized possession. Nobody except Bob could touch it.

One day, it occurred to Bob that the whale, his whale, was nameless. "Oh, this shall not do!" he exclaimed. "She deserves better than that! I shall call her..." Bob stared into space, his eyebrows scrunched together, evidently in deep thought. "Debbie!" he exclaimed with ecstasy and with wide, excited, and very insane eyes. "Debbie! What a beautiful name! What a perfect and lovely name for a perfect and lovely whale! Debbie! Oh yes!"

Bob set out the next day to proclaim his love to Debbie. He even brought a ring, but he didn't expect her to wear it. He considered it more of a symbol of their love than a piece of jewelery. He was at sea for hours before he finally tracked Debbie down.

"Debbie!" he screamed at the whale from his ship. "I love you! Debbie!!" The whale was ignoring him, wasn't even glancing at him, and Bob was heartbroken. "Debbie, it's me, Bob! It's me!!"

He wanted to cry. Debbie swam away from he and his ship. Dejectedly, Bob turned his ship around and went home.

He opened the door to his house, and his caretaker, Mrs. Williams, was waiting for him. "Oh dear, you look awful! Where were you? What happened?" she asked worryingly.

"She doesn't love me," he said sadly. "Debbie doesn't love me."

"Oh, Bob, you'll be fine, trust me. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea."

Bob glared at her angrily.